Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Calypso's Island

So lets just say Calypso's Island was not a pleasant expierience. I mean who holds a married man with a son captive for seven years. Her motives were all wrong, why would you hold him captive for your own pleasure? Well first off, Calypso is the goddess of the sea. Odysseus and his men landed on her island after fighting in the Trojan War. She kept him and his men against their will. Odysseus survived only to bring his shipmates home and to see his son and wife.

Finally with the help of Athena the goddess of war,wisdom, and weaving, Odysseus persuades Calypso to let him and his men go. Calypso agrees to let them go and helps them build a raft to leave her island. The raft end up getting destroyed by storms and Odysseus and his men are washed up on the land of the Phaeacians. The king Alcinous gives a banquet in honnor of Odysseus and he relates his adventures to the king.(Books 9-12 of the Odyssey)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Who We Are?

Well first of all my name is sleepy, and my friend here is named google. So you may be thinking to yourself well what kind of names are that! I really don't know but lets move on. So this blog is about... well the title pretty much sums it up. We are obsessed with Odysseus. We've been "following" him for ten years, and have recorded our journeys. Its not that creepy I mean come on you are reading this after all so doesn't that make you a stalker too? Ha got you their! We won't be re accounting his whole journey just the main points that are necessary for you to know. We hope you enjoy these tales as much as we did.