This tale begins on the island of Aeolus where Aeolus was made keeper of the winds by Zeus. Odysseus stayed on this island for many months recounting his days in Troy. Finally we were able to leave the island and Aeolus was kind enough to provide a steady breeze to blow us home. Then he gave Odysseus a leather pouch filled with storm winds. Nine days later they approached the coast of Ithaca, Odysseus was exhausted by now, having to man the sail the whole way. so he drifted off to sleep by this time his men had noticed the leather pouch. Thinking that it held gold they opened the pouch. Now as you can probably predict that was a huge mistake. As soon as the pouch opened it released a hurricane wind that blew them all the way back to Aeolus's island. Upon the return of Odysseus Aeolus concluded that it was against the will of the gods for Odysseus to return home.
Empty handed Odysseus arrived on the land of the Laestrygonians where its daylight around the clock. A patrol was was sent out to scout the countryside soon, they came upon a husky young girl who took them to the queen and king. The king who was thirsty for blood grabbed one of the men tore him in half and devoured him. As soon as the other men came to their senses they ran back to the shore. With the Laestrygonians not far behind. The fleet of men tried to cast off but were hindered boulders pelted at them. Many ships were smashed along with the men in them. The only ship that survived was Odysseus's. It was a very tragic event that I wish Google and I didn't have to witness but then who would inform you of this tale?
Soon they came to Circe's island also known as the witch goddess. No one was intent on exploring but the crew was divided in two. Eurylochus led the first group, while Odysseus and his group stayed behind. Before long the first group came to Circe's stone house surrounded by tame lions and wolves. They came to a halt and noticed a beautiful song coming from within. Presently Circe invited the men inside, all but Eurylochus accepted the invitation. Circe gave them a feast mixed with a vile potion and she turned them into swine. Eurylochus ran back to the ship to warn his shipmates. Upon hearing this Odysseus set out to save his men, along the way he met Hermes. Hermes told Odysseus that he should accept the potion she gave him, but not to worry he would be protected by a godly herb, moly. When Circe raised her wand, Odysseus should draw his sword and make her swear an oath. When he reached the house Circe bade him enter. Odysseus drank the potion and unsheathed his sword, then he made Circe swear an oath. Circe then knew him to be Odysseus. She kept him and his men in her home for many months with entertainment and many feasts. Finally his men reminded Odysseus of home. Circe let him go under one condition Odysseus must enter the land of death and consult the blind prophet Tiresias.
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