As the ring leader of the suitors is just lifting a drinking cup. Odysseus puts an arrow through his throat. A man runs to go get swords and shields for the men unil he saw Athena. As she appears Odysseus, Telemachus and the two faithful herdsmen strike with volley after volley of lances. They were then all hung in the courtyard by their necks.
Odysseus tells everyone to dress in their finest and dance, so that passers-by won't suspect what's happened.
Penelope is still in disbelief that he is Odysseus. She wants him to send a "Secret Sign" to show its truly Odysseus. She tells a servant to make up his bed in the hall.
"In the hall!" storms Odysseus. "Who had the craft to move my bed? I carved the bedpost myself from the living trunk of an olive tree and built the bedroom around it." She then rushes to Odysseus knowing that no one could move his real bed
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