As they set sails on the seas, Odysseus was fearful for what he was told of. He had to go through a land of sea monsters. So his men wouldn't chicken out he didn't tell them of the dangers that were ahead of them. First came up were the sirens, whose sweet singing lures sailors to their doom. To prevent from sailing off course Odysseus plugged the ears of his men with heavy beeswax. But to be the hard headed man Odysseus is, he had his men tie him up so he could hear the singing for himself. Once They Passed the Sirens, He had a choice of going to either the Charybdis, which is a whirl pool which will suck the ship down then back up ruining all hope of going home considering they would all die, Or going passed the Scylla which is a 6 headed monster which will pick up one of each of his men for how many gods their were. He chose to go past the Scylla and loose 6 men instead of loosing all of them.
They then landed on Thrinacia, the island of the Sun. Odysseus wants to avoid it entirely, but the outspoken Eurylochus persuades him to let his crew rest there. A storm keeps them beached for a month, and at first the crew is content to survive on their supplies in the ship. When these run out, however, Eurylochus persuades the other crew members to disobey Odysseus and slaughter the cattle of the Sun.When the Sun finds out about this he tells Zeus to punish them for their behavior. He kills all of Odysseus men except Odysseus and he washes up on shore of Calypso.
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